Ms Goodwin/Mr Brownrigg Bookworm Bloggers
Thursday, 30 January 2014
Friday, 24 June 2011
John QQQQ Movie Review
The movie John Q is about a ordinary family in U.S.A that has a boy with a heart failure. John did not have enough money to save his son from the diseases so then his wife told him to do "something". So he did, he went to the hospital and kidnapped the people that was in there and locked them all in. The police came, called him and asked him what he wanted and he told them that they want his child at the top of the donar list. They did not listen, and try to kill him. After he requested to get mikey in the hospital with him, there was no hope, he was dying. He wanted to donate his heart and threatened the doctor to do it. He had to kill himself to give him the heart, but at the same time there was a women that had a heart that matches mikey's heart. He almost killed himself for nothing. At the end he goes to jail, but it was all worth it becuase his son is still alive.
Overall, I think this is a great movie, not just because of the story line, but also because of the actor Denzel Washington. I personally think that he did a very good job of acting out a character like that, i could tell how much he loved his son and how much he wanted to save his life. This movie tells a lot about the poor people in U.S.A without medical insurance and I understand how their feelings might be.
Overall, I think this is a great movie, not just because of the story line, but also because of the actor Denzel Washington. I personally think that he did a very good job of acting out a character like that, i could tell how much he loved his son and how much he wanted to save his life. This movie tells a lot about the poor people in U.S.A without medical insurance and I understand how their feelings might be.
John Q-Movie Review (It rhymes! Ha!)
The scene is set in modern-day USA, and focuses on the average family of John Quincy Archibald. John only has enough money to survive from a job in heavy machinery, and always desperately looks for a job with better pay. An unfortunate accident involving his son Mikey leads John into a downward spiral of pain and despair as his insurance company does not cover his son's heart transplant, as they are a low-income family. The events get drastically worse as he tries his best to raise the money for the transplant, until he resorts to more drastic measures...
This movie really sent forward a thought-provoking message: Free health care for all. The acting of Denzel Washington effectively portrayed the character's feelings and strife, while also adding a twist to the plot which breaks a popular stereotype-the guy who keeps hostages is the bad guy. Even as the hostages were set free, they all proclaimed the so called 'Bad Guy' to be a good person. This immediately changed the bystander's feelings (as did mine) for John Q and the rampant cheering turns into angry booing as the police crack down on the hospital. The entire plot rests on a controversial topic of free health care and even a little dash of politics as well.
In conclusion, John Q is a movie with a clear message and makes you think about what the government is trying to hide through it's policies. With it's touching plot, added twists and a sprinkling of humor (though sparse in some places) John Q is no doubt a movie for older audiences whom understand the plot and policies better. (7/10)
John Q review
The movie starts during the height of the US economic crisis with the ordinary African-American family of John Quincy Archibald, in Chicago, who works in a metalworking factory. During an ordinary baseball game, his son Mickey collapses. Rushing to take him to the hospital, they discover that Mike has an enlarged heart, and must be replaced by an expensive donor operation, which requires $250,000. However, his insurance does not cover it, and they try to figure it out, but to no avail. Even after most of their possessions are sold, they cannot even cover the $75,000 to put their son's name on the list. After they try to talk the hospital into doing 1 operation in good faith, he learns that Mike will be evicted from the hospital the next day. At breaking point, John does the unexpected in the direst situation, desperate to rescue his son.
This is not a very good movie plot-wise, put the underlying messages are very powerful. The plot has many gaping holes in it, with a predictable conclusion and an unrealistic storyline. However, the movie builds tension extremely well, but again; there are just some really ridiculous coincidences that fill in the plot, and the characters are frankly unrealistic. On the other hand, that is how movies work. However, the real power behind the movie is the messages that you have to read between the lines to find out. It provides a good criticism of the powers that run an American city – especially the healthcare system and politics. The actions of the hospital and the police chief show a true human nature – greed. It is a very good movie, because it makes you feel emotive, and feel John’s despair. But, the movie is designed that way. Everyone has their different views and the “villains” are only following orders. It would be difficult is everything was good, because there would invariably be something bad.
Overall, this movie is bad and good. I would recommend it to people who can truly understand movies or books instead of just reading through the plot. Overall, I would give it 8/10.
This is not a very good movie plot-wise, put the underlying messages are very powerful. The plot has many gaping holes in it, with a predictable conclusion and an unrealistic storyline. However, the movie builds tension extremely well, but again; there are just some really ridiculous coincidences that fill in the plot, and the characters are frankly unrealistic. On the other hand, that is how movies work. However, the real power behind the movie is the messages that you have to read between the lines to find out. It provides a good criticism of the powers that run an American city – especially the healthcare system and politics. The actions of the hospital and the police chief show a true human nature – greed. It is a very good movie, because it makes you feel emotive, and feel John’s despair. But, the movie is designed that way. Everyone has their different views and the “villains” are only following orders. It would be difficult is everything was good, because there would invariably be something bad.
Overall, this movie is bad and good. I would recommend it to people who can truly understand movies or books instead of just reading through the plot. Overall, I would give it 8/10.
John Q
Dark days are coming to John. The god is standing against him. The US is in some serious economic problems, and they are not going to help low income people like John Q Archibald. He needs help from everyone. The national health care group isn’t being helpful. A life without any health insurance. John tries everything he could do for his son. Everything-including some dangerous actions.
John is an ordinary man living with his wife and only son-Michael (Mikey). Even with very low income and poor environment, John could live happily with his family. His family is his only support. His best supporter, Mikey suddenly falls down. He needs a new heart immediately.
John tries everything he could do to get his son a heart. Mikey is falling asleep very quickly, but John couldn’t put Mikey’s name on the donor list. Falling economy of the US made the national health care insurance to fail to help low income people like John. Only one thing he could do for his son left is violence. Is he doing right? What is the best thing for his son?
John is an ordinary man living with his wife and only son-Michael (Mikey). Even with very low income and poor environment, John could live happily with his family. His family is his only support. His best supporter, Mikey suddenly falls down. He needs a new heart immediately.
John tries everything he could do to get his son a heart. Mikey is falling asleep very quickly, but John couldn’t put Mikey’s name on the donor list. Falling economy of the US made the national health care insurance to fail to help low income people like John. Only one thing he could do for his son left is violence. Is he doing right? What is the best thing for his son?
Thursday, 23 June 2011
john q the review
the movie begins with this family in america, the archibalds, with he father john the mother denise and their son mikey. their car is being reposessed and they are not making all that much money. it is revealed that the father is not working enough hours at his company because they cannot affored it. anyway some stuff happens you see mikey doing some body building impressions, john going to work and then mikeys baseball game. while running to second base mikey collapses and is taken to hospital. he needs a heart transplant or he will die, but the hospital requires a $75 000 down payment to get mikeys name on the donor list. the family does not have this kind of money and when their insurrance falls through john trys to raise the money. but despite his efforts he fails. with mikey about to be released john gets desperate and holds the emergency room hostage which causes the poilce to come. including hostage negotiator frank something and the cheif of poilce who works for the mayor and as it is an election year he wants to make the situtaion go away quickly.
the movie tackles both the health care issue in america and takes a political thing as well. it challenges the idea that if you are rich in america you get good healthcare but if you are not then you are treated badly.the movie was good and i enjoyed watching it though there are some points where it is kinda boring, it immediately grabs your attention again when john pulls out the gun. the movie was however fairly one sided and didn't talk much about the other side of the healthcare argument. overall i thought it was really good and i would reccomend it to teenagers and olderso that they would be able to appreciate the story more.
the movie tackles both the health care issue in america and takes a political thing as well. it challenges the idea that if you are rich in america you get good healthcare but if you are not then you are treated badly.the movie was good and i enjoyed watching it though there are some points where it is kinda boring, it immediately grabs your attention again when john pulls out the gun. the movie was however fairly one sided and didn't talk much about the other side of the healthcare argument. overall i thought it was really good and i would reccomend it to teenagers and olderso that they would be able to appreciate the story more.
John Q.

Set in central Chicago, a troubled father's son goes down with heart faliure.Therefore the father, John Quincy (Denzel Washington) and wife, Danise Quincy (Kimberly Elise) go through a troubled period of trying to raise 75,000 to get their child on the hearts donors list. Not being able to come up with the money, the hospital decides to release their son, Mike Quincy (Daniel E. Smith). Out of frustration, John Q. decides to take matters into his own hands.He decides to take over the emergency room and keeps everyone in it hostage. The police suround the building attemting to talk John Q out of this miserable condition. How much would John Q. risk for getting his sons name on the list?
I think that this is a very emotional movie and has many different subjects. I would recomend this movie to many families all over the world. Especially
families in America showing them the major issue in health care.
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