Monday, 29 November 2010
The Arrival
This book has no words. The thing is, this book doesn't need them. The pictures tell a story, one of a man's struggle to fit into a new world with new languages and cultures, after having been sent there as an immigrant. Separated from his family, he tries to fit in and finds himself a small but homey apartment with an added bonus; his new pet. He meets others whom have left their countries as immigrants and listens to their stories...This book had no words, but it made a lasting impression on me...even stronger than the ones with words that I usually read...
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Looking For Alibrandi
Monday, 8 November 2010
Romeo & Juliet
The first time I read this book I felt pretty sad, because the story is all about two people who love each other but then in the end gets killed. I also think that this book is very interesting because, the play is made by Shakespere and his plays are really good.
There's a boy in the girls' bathroom
This book is kind of a funny but sad at the same time. The main character is a boy which is a bully and never do his homework or study and that makes him stay back a year so he is the oldest in the year, but the stupidest. He is the kind of person which always lies to his mum and say that he is the best in class and he always got an A in class but his mum is about to find out the truth...
I actually like this book a lot because i know how he feels to be always left out and i really wants him to make friends.
Romeo and Juliet- First impressions
The moment I started this book i know that it is really hard to understand, since is in Shakespeare style. By the time i get to end i know that this book is tragic romance and i don't like this book because i don't really understand it.
romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet is a sad story because this story is based on two lovers which cannot meet because their family hate each other so they cannot meet and someone tells Romeo to love someone else but he doesn't do that. So to meet Juliet drinks a potion so she goes to Romeo and Romeo kills himself.
This is the prologue of the story mainly. I don't like this book the kite rider is easy and adventurous to read but this story is a script which looks hard to read. The words are a little complicated.
Romeo and Juliet first impressions
My first impressions of this book was that it was not that easy to understand what the prologue was saying since it was using shakespearean language. But by reading to page 18, i can tell that this story is about a tragic ramance which is not my favourite style of book.
My first impression about Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet is a kind of romantic story. I think montagues are quite aggressive and mean. They started fighting in the first scene. I like this book because there are lots of discriptions and explanations about the scene and the whole story, so we can understand well. However, I don't really like the story because it is romantic and sad. I think this book will help me a lot to learn about shakespear and his another books. Also, I hope that I will LIKE this book someday.
Romeo and Juliet- First Impressions
this book is about love stiry between Romeo Montanauge, and Juliet Capulet. The problem is that the two families hate each other, and the prince has decreed death to any caught fighting.they went to a party and fell in love with each aether ,and the next day they marry in secret. but then she was force to marry a person she did not like so she taking a sleeping potion to appear dead, then being smuggled out of the city to meet Romeo, but Romeo thinks she is dead and then kills himself. When Juliet awakens to see Romeo dead, she kills herself.
i don't reel like is book because it to romantic
i don't reel like is book because it to romantic
Romeo and Juliet - First impression
In the beginning of the book the is a prologue, the enter chorus. I think the sonnet that Shakespeare wrote was magnificent and imaginative as well as descriptive. The sonnet made the images easy to image, the lines were very dramatic and was interesting to read. It explained how competitive the two familes, Capulet and Montague are.
In the beginning of the story Shakespeare started without explaining the relationships between the two families but instead started in with dialouges, having the Capulets talking and joking around that superior to the Montagues. This shows the reader that they are not in a good relationship as a bit later on in the story the fight between them was held. This is the style where the reader uses implicit meanings writings to make the reader infer and deduce which make if more interesting.
Further on, Romeo is shown speaking poetry and complaining how painful he feels. The poem he speaks in very descriptive and contains implicit phrases which again make the reader think about about the passage as well as to infer and deduce
In the beginning of the story Shakespeare started without explaining the relationships between the two families but instead started in with dialouges, having the Capulets talking and joking around that superior to the Montagues. This shows the reader that they are not in a good relationship as a bit later on in the story the fight between them was held. This is the style where the reader uses implicit meanings writings to make the reader infer and deduce which make if more interesting.
Further on, Romeo is shown speaking poetry and complaining how painful he feels. The poem he speaks in very descriptive and contains implicit phrases which again make the reader think about about the passage as well as to infer and deduce
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Snake Head

Similar to all Alex Rider books, Snake Head incorporates a typical plot: to stop an evil man from going through with his catastrophic plans.
After falling from space (a continuation of the previous book, Ark Angel), Alex Rider finds himself with the organization ASIS; the Australian Secret Intelligence Service. Knowing exactly of Alex Rider's past string of achievements, ASIS plans to deploy him to stop, once again, a world threatening plan.
Alex Rider is against an old enemy: the organization Scorpia. Running low on business, Scorpia, too, is set a job. This job is to assassinate famous icons that are gathering at a conference.
Having only read the beginning of the book, I'm looking forward to finishing Snake Head. Even though the plot has been repeated in several other books, Snake Head utilizes the mystery of Alex's past as a sub-plot. The idea adds a lot more depth and twists into the story.
Romeo and Juliet
"Romeo and Juliet" is a romantic tale revolving around the dispute between to opposing families: the Capulet and the Montague. One fateful night, Juliet Capulet and Romeo Montague finds one another at a party; they inevitably fall for each other.
Against the wills of their families, they establish their betrothal in secret. However, to their dismay, Juliet's father takes action as he forces her to marry a different man. Though only faithful to Romeo, Juliet drinks a sleeping potion (to fake her death) at the wedding, hoping Romeo would come back for her.
Tragically, the plan was misguided. As when Romeo, who is oblivious to the scheme, witnesses Juliet 'dead' he kills himself. Unfortunately, when Juliet awakens, she finds Romeo has died, so in turn, Juliet takes her own life.
Under the grief of both their deaths, the Capulet and Montague realizes their fault, and thus, become friends.
I think the book will be boring and complicated; the story is already well-known while the dialogue is written in Middle English, making the speech unnecessarily difficult to understand.
Friday, 5 November 2010
Romeo and Juliet- First Impressions
This book is basically a love stiry between Romeo Montanauge, and Juliet Capulet. The problem is that the two families hate each other, and the prince has decreed death to any caught fighting. They meet in secret in a party at the Capulet house, and immediately fall in love, and the next day they marry in secret. However, Romeo is banished for avenging the death of one of his freinds, and Juliet is forced to marry a man she hates. Juliet agrees to a risky plan - taking a sleeping potion to appear dead, then being smuggled out of the city to meet Romeo, but Romeo thinks she is dead and then kills himself. When Juliet awakens to see Romeo dead, she kills herself. The 2 families make up in the children's deaths.
It is an ok book, however the use of the actual script is annoying and hard to understand, even with translations. The activity suggestions are just annoying. I think this book might be hard, and a long book. It is better than Kite Rider though.
Romeo & Juliet
This is a sad story about star crossed lovers who's family hates each other. Romeo and Juliet secretly get married. Unfortunately Juliet's father tells her she has to marry another man.
On her wedding day, she drinks a sleeping potion to make her look dead and she hopes that Romeo comes back to get her.
But when Romeo comes, he thinks she is dead so he drinks poison to kill himself, and when Juliet gets up from her sleep to find Romeo dead, she stabs herself with a knife and dies.
Due to their childrens death the two families becomes friends.
I love books about twisted, alternate realities like The Book Of Lost Things or Darkside. It makes me feel at home. :)
Anyway, this book was written by Neil Gaiman, and it's about a person called Richard Mayhew, whose life turns upside down the day he found an injured girl on the side of the street. And from then on, well...let's just say a whole tsunami of utterly strange and bewildering events crash down upon him, which just proves his point made earlier in the book, which was "events seem to be too cowardly to come alone, they always come in packs, you know, the safety in numbers kind of thing" Or at least along the lines of that.
From then on, he enters a realm called 'London Below' he meets Old Bailey, Anaesthesia (I always have trouble spelling that) , Mr Croup and- whoops, I'm ruining it for you. You'd better go read this one, especially if you like twisted, alternate dimensions like me.
Anyway, this book was written by Neil Gaiman, and it's about a person called Richard Mayhew, whose life turns upside down the day he found an injured girl on the side of the street. And from then on, well...let's just say a whole tsunami of utterly strange and bewildering events crash down upon him, which just proves his point made earlier in the book, which was "events seem to be too cowardly to come alone, they always come in packs, you know, the safety in numbers kind of thing" Or at least along the lines of that.
From then on, he enters a realm called 'London Below' he meets Old Bailey, Anaesthesia (I always have trouble spelling that) , Mr Croup and- whoops, I'm ruining it for you. You'd better go read this one, especially if you like twisted, alternate dimensions like me.
The Rules of Survival
This book was very different from the books I usually read. It's about Matthew, Callie and Emma and their struggles with their psychotic mother, Nikki.
This book is sort of like a journal as well, and it's written like a letter. (The way it's written is like an eyewitness account. You see the story through Matthew's eyes, and he's writing it for Emma since she was a baby when these events happened.)
It goes through Everything from start to finish, from the meeting with Murdoch to Nikki coming home from her jail sentence.
Overall, I have not read a book of this...kind.
This book is sort of like a journal as well, and it's written like a letter. (The way it's written is like an eyewitness account. You see the story through Matthew's eyes, and he's writing it for Emma since she was a baby when these events happened.)
It goes through Everything from start to finish, from the meeting with Murdoch to Nikki coming home from her jail sentence.
Overall, I have not read a book of this...kind.
Romeo and Juliet
I had borrowed a condensed version of Romeo and Juliet from the library, so I'm pretty much over the Middle Age English hurdle.
The reason why the Montagues and the Capulets are enemies are never really revealed in the condensed version, so I'm curious to find out why they are at war for so long. I'm also looking forward to studying this book since I might already have a head start since I know the general plot of the story and the characters, (Muahaha!) but I'm also looking out for the parts that were not included in the condensed version...that, I would like to know.
The reason why the Montagues and the Capulets are enemies are never really revealed in the condensed version, so I'm curious to find out why they are at war for so long. I'm also looking forward to studying this book since I might already have a head start since I know the general plot of the story and the characters, (Muahaha!) but I'm also looking out for the parts that were not included in the condensed version...that, I would like to know.
The Lost Hero
Romeo And Juliet
Romeo and Juliet is a pretty good book, but it is quite hard to understand what the characters are saying because:
Firstly, it is in Middle English and the words mean different things,
and Secondly, the book is a play, so there is no narator explaining what the characters feel or think unless they say it out loud.
Firstly, it is in Middle English and the words mean different things,
and Secondly, the book is a play, so there is no narator explaining what the characters feel or think unless they say it out loud.
Trading Faces by Julia DeVillers

This book is about two twins girl who have different life. One is smart called Emma and one is popular called Playton and they are very close. The first day of 7th grade they have been assigned different schedules-for the first time ever. One day, they decided to swap lives for one day. Then they start to like each other life and swapped lives for a week. Soon they were found out and was in a big messy. Emma like this guy, but he think his like Playton ( actual Emma swapping lives with Playton). This book is is easy but very interesting.
Romeo and Juliet
My first impressions of Romeo and Julliet were that the story was that the monagues and the capulet takes their fight very seriously, they pull out swords and bucklers. Middle English is very different from modern english so the book was hard to understand they also having things at that time
that was different to us like when they bite their thumb it mean that they are saying something bad. Overall, i am looking forward to learning this book in class.
Tell Me No Lies by Malorie Blackman
Mike is a new boy at school. He's come to live with his grandparents because of a horrible accident that put his mum in PRISON and his dad DEAD. He's trying to start a new life but Gemma is sure she's seen him somewhere. She knows his secret. The secret he was trying to hide. And now, she's out to get him.
I think that this book is REALLY GOOD. I havent completeely finished it but so far it is really good. the same author writes alot of other books such as Pig-Heart Boy and Double Cross. You should read this book or any other books by Malorie Blackman.
My first impressions of Romeo and Julliet
My first impressions of Romeo and Julliet were that the monagues are quite aggressive and like to start fights. Also that Romeo persevers alot. When he loved rosaline he said that if he couldnt have her, then he wouldnt have anybody else. Overall i thought that Romeo and Julliet is quite confusing. i like it and i dont like because of differnt reasons.
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Encyclopedia Horrifica

The fact that was very interesting to me was about the haunted house on the hudson. People who lived in this house say that the house is 'ACTIVE'. They said that even a six-foot-tall plumber refused to work past 4:00 p.m. on any given day because he kept hearing footsteps on the stairs. Also, a teenage girl said that there was a young woman in her room and she was sitting on the teenager's bed so that the girl could see he in the mirror on my dresser. This house if famous among lawyers than among ghost hunters. This house was officially declred haunted by the state of New York!
While I was reading this book, I was sooooooo scared. This book was NOT A FICTION BOOK, but it was a non-fiction book. I learned that the real dracula and the real vampires existed or exist in the world. I don't want to believe ghosts and monsters because I am a catholic, but after reading this book, I can't but believe them.
This Isn't What it Looks Like
This is a really good, funny, and adventureous book. It is the 4th book in a series though, so you may want to look at the first, The Name of this book is secret.
After eating the time travel chocolate, Cass is stuck in the 1600's, trying to find the Homunulcus (Mr. Cabbage Face), the Jester, and the Secret. But in the present, her body is stuck in a coma, and the only ones who know the truth are her friends Max-Ernest and Yo-Yoji. It is a race against time to find the secret, and to get Cass back.
This is a really good book ad series, and I highly recomend it. 8.5/10
After eating the time travel chocolate, Cass is stuck in the 1600's, trying to find the Homunulcus (Mr. Cabbage Face), the Jester, and the Secret. But in the present, her body is stuck in a coma, and the only ones who know the truth are her friends Max-Ernest and Yo-Yoji. It is a race against time to find the secret, and to get Cass back.
This is a really good book ad series, and I highly recomend it. 8.5/10
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