Friday, 24 June 2011
John QQQQ Movie Review
Overall, I think this is a great movie, not just because of the story line, but also because of the actor Denzel Washington. I personally think that he did a very good job of acting out a character like that, i could tell how much he loved his son and how much he wanted to save his life. This movie tells a lot about the poor people in U.S.A without medical insurance and I understand how their feelings might be.
John Q-Movie Review (It rhymes! Ha!)
John Q review
This is not a very good movie plot-wise, put the underlying messages are very powerful. The plot has many gaping holes in it, with a predictable conclusion and an unrealistic storyline. However, the movie builds tension extremely well, but again; there are just some really ridiculous coincidences that fill in the plot, and the characters are frankly unrealistic. On the other hand, that is how movies work. However, the real power behind the movie is the messages that you have to read between the lines to find out. It provides a good criticism of the powers that run an American city – especially the healthcare system and politics. The actions of the hospital and the police chief show a true human nature – greed. It is a very good movie, because it makes you feel emotive, and feel John’s despair. But, the movie is designed that way. Everyone has their different views and the “villains” are only following orders. It would be difficult is everything was good, because there would invariably be something bad.
Overall, this movie is bad and good. I would recommend it to people who can truly understand movies or books instead of just reading through the plot. Overall, I would give it 8/10.
John Q
John is an ordinary man living with his wife and only son-Michael (Mikey). Even with very low income and poor environment, John could live happily with his family. His family is his only support. His best supporter, Mikey suddenly falls down. He needs a new heart immediately.
John tries everything he could do to get his son a heart. Mikey is falling asleep very quickly, but John couldn’t put Mikey’s name on the donor list. Falling economy of the US made the national health care insurance to fail to help low income people like John. Only one thing he could do for his son left is violence. Is he doing right? What is the best thing for his son?
Thursday, 23 June 2011
john q the review
the movie tackles both the health care issue in america and takes a political thing as well. it challenges the idea that if you are rich in america you get good healthcare but if you are not then you are treated badly.the movie was good and i enjoyed watching it though there are some points where it is kinda boring, it immediately grabs your attention again when john pulls out the gun. the movie was however fairly one sided and didn't talk much about the other side of the healthcare argument. overall i thought it was really good and i would reccomend it to teenagers and olderso that they would be able to appreciate the story more.
John Q.

John Q

John Q
One day in a school baseball tournament a black family cheering for their kid to run to the other side. Suddenly the kid had a heart faller. They arrived at the hospital and Ellen Cline the head of the hospital said that their insurance can not pay for them they broke down.
They had to pay in cash. The dad worked so hard to find the money and he was so close but the hospital was about to kick the kid out so the mother of the kid called her husband and told him to do some thing.
So he came up with this idea that he would barricade him self in the hospital, he said that if his son dose not go one the donor list he will kill some one.
So the head of the hospital thick that his name is up in the donor list but John new that, so he wanted to give his heart to his son but then there was a car crass and the person was die had the same type of hart so they used it on the kid and his dad lives but his is going to prison.
I think this movie is very emotive and is a realy good movie it can make you cry and the is many meaning to the story
John.Q Archibald

John Q Movie Review

Overall, I think this is a great movie, not just because of the story line, but also because of the actor Denzel Washington. I personally think that he did a very good job of acting out a character like that, i could tell how much he loved his son and how much he wanted to save his life. This movie tells a lot about the poor people in U.S.A without medical insurance and I understand how their feelings might be.
John Q. movie review by lottie :]

Fighting against the national healthcare system in the US, John and his family struggle to keep their son, Mike, alive. Mike collapsed at a Little League game due to heart failure and is now in need of a heart transplant. Only problem is that John Q. doesn’t have to money to do it, to save his sons life. After trying all options and raising as much money as possible, John turns to his only option – violence.
He breaks into the Hope Memorial and holds many as hostages in order to make the hospital pay for his son to get a new heart. Soon, groups of people crowd around the Hope Memorial but instead of shouting, they cheer him on. On the other hand, police officers arrive and get very angry with the commotion.
After all the commotion, Mike’s name is on the list, but its doing no good seeing as Mike only has a few hours to live. John Q. risks all and decides that in order to save Mike; he will give his heart to his son. They can’t change his mind. No one can.
Movie Summary - John Q
I believe this film covers all aspects of complex public inconveniences that takes place in daily life. This includes problems with the police, families and government. The characters in the movie may be intentionaly picked this way to take a different approach introducing other international issues. About racism and prejudice. I find this movie being very informative explaining the problems in the world - Therefore, I will recommend this film to anyone.
John Q
The hospital informed John Q. that they are releasing his sick son that day. With no other opinion John Q. decides to take a group of people hostage at the hospital and threaten that he would kill the people if they won’t put his son, Mike in the donor time. Time is running out. John’s son, Mike is slowly dying. Could his son get a new heart?
I personally think that this movie is very emotional. It successfully tackles the issue of health care of American. If your rich than you are cared with care, but of you are poor than the hospital will treat you like dirt. I really enjoy this movie it made me cry a lot. I recommend Adult and teenagers about 13 or 14 above.
If I had to rate this movie out of ten (10) than I would say about 8.
John Q. Movie Review
I recommend this movie to age 12 and up. This is because the plot had many twists, was very touching and revealed the corruption and schemes of an unjust government. This movie had a very clear message (Free health care) and a dash of politics as well. The characters played their parts very well and showed very strong emotions.
A controversial topic, a father’s quest to save his son, an unjust policy. All are key parts of this wonderful movie and gives an insight into the inner workings of a government. I would give this movie 8 out of 10 since it had depth to it and a strong message.
I would recomend to the US goverment. So they can see what some people have to go though.
It was one the worst films ever because it was so predictable.
"John Q." - Movie Review

Jonh Q Movie Review
The hospital director refuse to place Mike's name in the donor list due to the family low income. Jonh points out that they have an insurance which will cover them. However the law had change and he soon learns that he has been paying for an insurance that were no longer available. Despit the anger and disappointment, Jonh starts his journey to gain money for his son's surgery. Money from work, neighbours, friends and trades. Jonh did all this for his beloved son. Unfortunately life wasn't so easy for them. The wind wouldn't blow the way they want. Mike's condition is worsen each minute.
Failed to gain the great amount of $250,000/$75,000 for the heart transplant. Failed to gain the trust of the doctor. Failed to do anything to make his son live. Jonh has no other choice. For the survival of Mike, Jonh Q. would do what he has never dream of.
This movie might not contains adventurous action or dramatic acting. However, it is entertaining and quite educational. The storyline was acceptable. It was unique and emotional. In my opinion, I think this story should be watched by people who are in the teenagers and upwards. There are a few scenes that contains foul language and it requires a bit of maturity to be able to understand and enjoy the movie.