Dear Diary:
What a catastrophe! Am I wrong to think that this is all a dream? I dearly wish I could wake up now, because my situation now is a glorious nightmare.
Romeo has been exiled for killing my cousin Tybalt. I know Romeo didn't mean to kill him! I just know it! It was self defence, there is no other explanation for this matter.
Now, my parents have chosen a husband for me. His name is Paris, a kinsman of Prince Escalus. I understand what my parents are trying to do here. They want me to marry him so that the Capulets will have a boost in noble family against the Montagues, and in addition there is a sizeable money boost as well.
The problem with that is that I don't like him! It's Romeo whom I adore! They cannot force me to marry against my own will! My parents have cared for me selflessly for 14 years, and I would gladly exchange it all for this selfish act!
I have spoken to Friar Lawrence about the matter. He has agreed to devise a plan and here's how it goes. I will drink the vial given to him on Wednesday night, when I am in my chamber. The cordial will help me to fake my own death, and so the next day they will take my 'corpse' to the Capulet vault after they find out I'm 'dead'. Romeo will know of this plan by letters, and after the cordial wears off, he will bring me to Mantua and we shall live blissfully in exile.
I wait in growing anticipation (and a little bit anxiously) of my untimely 'death' and of my happy future with Romeo in Mantua.
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
juliet fears
she was afrade some one will kill her and the paris will find out that
she took a sleping pill or poshon. she afrade if she drink the potion she will
die and will not see her husband any more
she took a sleping pill or poshon. she afrade if she drink the potion she will
die and will not see her husband any more
Juliet diary
dear diary,
the potion that friar Lawrence gave me should I drink it or should i just throw it away? What will happen If friar lawrence is wrong.How about if something goes wrong! What will happen if my parents find out or if Romeo doesn't receive the letter or verse if the potion doesn't work I will die. If my parents find out i'm surely dead.
I cannot bare that if I die i will be leaving my beloved Romeo and going somewhere else far away. I cannot decide anything because of the floods I'm making with my tears. Couldn't I just run off with him and never meet my parents it will be able to live like a normal person.
What do you think I should do?
the potion that friar Lawrence gave me should I drink it or should i just throw it away? What will happen If friar lawrence is wrong.How about if something goes wrong! What will happen if my parents find out or if Romeo doesn't receive the letter or verse if the potion doesn't work I will die. If my parents find out i'm surely dead.
I cannot bare that if I die i will be leaving my beloved Romeo and going somewhere else far away. I cannot decide anything because of the floods I'm making with my tears. Couldn't I just run off with him and never meet my parents it will be able to live like a normal person.
What do you think I should do?
Juliet's Fear
After Friar Lawrence has told me to do, I feel a lot more confident that I will soon be able to see Romeo and not marry Paris. However I have questioned myself that, what if the potion will not work? and what if the plan goes to a complete disaster? therefore, I will pray that the night I drink this potion all of my fears will go away also that the Friar's plan will work, therefore I can escape from this terrible nightmare.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Juliets Diary Entry by lottie
Dear diary,
I have a plan. A plan that i thought would work. Now, Im not so sure. The Friar has told me that in order not to Paris, I must drink poison that will appear to make me look DEAD, but will not actually kill me. What if the poison actually kills me? Or what if they find out its all an act? What if my blood doesnt run cold? or turn Blue?
What Then? Should i drink it, should i not?
To choose between living but marrying paris and romeo, or to either live or live but still only belong to Romeo?....
I dont care what happens, i will be with Romeo and NO ONE ELSE.
So here it goes...
I have a plan. A plan that i thought would work. Now, Im not so sure. The Friar has told me that in order not to Paris, I must drink poison that will appear to make me look DEAD, but will not actually kill me. What if the poison actually kills me? Or what if they find out its all an act? What if my blood doesnt run cold? or turn Blue?
What Then? Should i drink it, should i not?
To choose between living but marrying paris and romeo, or to either live or live but still only belong to Romeo?....
I dont care what happens, i will be with Romeo and NO ONE ELSE.
So here it goes...
Juliet's Fears
I'm consumed by these flooding fears; these fears that I should not believe, yet I so pessimistically acknowledge. What will become of me if the potion fails? A marriage to Paris? I'd forbid such a heartless decision with my life.
I doubt Friar Lawrence to this extent, yet here I am, entrusting my future to this man. Is he truly the saviour Romeo and I should believe in? A saint of peace and harmony? The deep liquid in this vial, could it be poison? Have I angered him with this reckless plead?
But even so, Romeo may not come. Oh, I shiver in the thought. I fear that when I open my eyes, I would look to an empty ceiling; ridden of hope, I'd lie in the burial of the deceased. Next to dear Tybalt, breathing in cold air, being unable to move, to cry, shout or scream. Will I be heard? My calls for salvation, my plead for hope? Would I slowly breathe out life, my heart and mind long dead before my body?
Enough! These sickening thoughts and assumptions do not make a difference. I will trust, believe and put my faith onto Romeo; he will come for me. All I need is courage.
Monday, 6 December 2010
Juliets Fear
After the day Friar told me the plan, I couldnt jump right onto that idea. I have many reasons to make me feel uncomfortable with plan. My biggest fear is what if the potion did not have the exact symptoms as Friar thought it will give me? Maybe I can actually die with this. After all, it is poison. But Even though the fake death potion does work, what if i screwed up the timing and wake up before Romeo comes. There is a possibility I can die in that vault. I would rather kill myself than marrying to Paris. But This cannot be the time to worry, I must do this in order to see Romeo again
Juliet's Fear
Friar Lawrence gave me a little bit of potion. But I'm afraid about everything.
What if the potion doesn't work? Then, should I marry Paris?
No, I'd rather die than marry Paris.
What if Friar Lawrence gave me a poison to keep Romeo apart from me? I hope not, because he is a holy man. A holy man shouldn't do that.
I'm afraid if Romeo isn't at the Capulet Vault when I wake up.
I'm afraid if I can't wake up from the deep sleep so I can't meet Romeo again.
Romeo, I'm trying my best. So please prey for me. I need your help.
I need you. I hope that you'll be there after I woke up.
Let's go far away and live happily forever. I hope that this will be the last tragedy about us.
I'll be waiting for you. I love you Romeo. Now, I'm going to fall in a deep deep sleep. Bye-
The Friar's Speech
Dear Diary,
The Friar talked to me today about his plan to keep me and Romeo together happily. He will give me a potion that will make me look dead, my family will put me in the Capulet crypt, and Romeo will come fetch me and will will run away. I was very happy when I heard about the Friar's witty plan, but I will be devastated, leaving my parents at such a young age. Oh well, at least I don't have to marry Paris, a man who is around 2 decades older than me!
Wish me luck on escaping,
Juliet Capulet
Friday, 3 December 2010
Juliet's Fears
I am so afraid that the mixture that the Friar Lawrence gave me will not work. There are so many different ways that it could go wrong. What if it dosen't work at all? Then what will I do? I would rather kill myself than be married to that disgusting Count Paris! Or what if the potion is a poison , and it will kill me? Romeo trusts the Friar, but he could have made a mistake, and anything can happen? Or maybe Friar Lawrence feels he has broken the law, by marrying me twice, and now must kill me? Or if I wake up in the Capulet vault, and my Romeo is not there yet? I will be surrounded by the dead, unable to breath, and close to my dear Tybalt, who will return because I married Romeo. What will I do, if I am trapped, and no one hears me. Or if the potion acts for too long, or if Romeo dosen't come? I must stop thinking these now, and summon the courage to do what I have to do, to be with my Romeo.
Monday, 29 November 2010
The Arrival
This book has no words. The thing is, this book doesn't need them. The pictures tell a story, one of a man's struggle to fit into a new world with new languages and cultures, after having been sent there as an immigrant. Separated from his family, he tries to fit in and finds himself a small but homey apartment with an added bonus; his new pet. He meets others whom have left their countries as immigrants and listens to their stories...This book had no words, but it made a lasting impression on me...even stronger than the ones with words that I usually read...
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Looking For Alibrandi
Monday, 8 November 2010
Romeo & Juliet
The first time I read this book I felt pretty sad, because the story is all about two people who love each other but then in the end gets killed. I also think that this book is very interesting because, the play is made by Shakespere and his plays are really good.
There's a boy in the girls' bathroom
This book is kind of a funny but sad at the same time. The main character is a boy which is a bully and never do his homework or study and that makes him stay back a year so he is the oldest in the year, but the stupidest. He is the kind of person which always lies to his mum and say that he is the best in class and he always got an A in class but his mum is about to find out the truth...
I actually like this book a lot because i know how he feels to be always left out and i really wants him to make friends.
Romeo and Juliet- First impressions
The moment I started this book i know that it is really hard to understand, since is in Shakespeare style. By the time i get to end i know that this book is tragic romance and i don't like this book because i don't really understand it.
romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet is a sad story because this story is based on two lovers which cannot meet because their family hate each other so they cannot meet and someone tells Romeo to love someone else but he doesn't do that. So to meet Juliet drinks a potion so she goes to Romeo and Romeo kills himself.
This is the prologue of the story mainly. I don't like this book the kite rider is easy and adventurous to read but this story is a script which looks hard to read. The words are a little complicated.
Romeo and Juliet first impressions
My first impressions of this book was that it was not that easy to understand what the prologue was saying since it was using shakespearean language. But by reading to page 18, i can tell that this story is about a tragic ramance which is not my favourite style of book.
My first impression about Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet is a kind of romantic story. I think montagues are quite aggressive and mean. They started fighting in the first scene. I like this book because there are lots of discriptions and explanations about the scene and the whole story, so we can understand well. However, I don't really like the story because it is romantic and sad. I think this book will help me a lot to learn about shakespear and his another books. Also, I hope that I will LIKE this book someday.
Romeo and Juliet- First Impressions
this book is about love stiry between Romeo Montanauge, and Juliet Capulet. The problem is that the two families hate each other, and the prince has decreed death to any caught fighting.they went to a party and fell in love with each aether ,and the next day they marry in secret. but then she was force to marry a person she did not like so she taking a sleeping potion to appear dead, then being smuggled out of the city to meet Romeo, but Romeo thinks she is dead and then kills himself. When Juliet awakens to see Romeo dead, she kills herself.
i don't reel like is book because it to romantic
i don't reel like is book because it to romantic
Romeo and Juliet - First impression
In the beginning of the book the is a prologue, the enter chorus. I think the sonnet that Shakespeare wrote was magnificent and imaginative as well as descriptive. The sonnet made the images easy to image, the lines were very dramatic and was interesting to read. It explained how competitive the two familes, Capulet and Montague are.
In the beginning of the story Shakespeare started without explaining the relationships between the two families but instead started in with dialouges, having the Capulets talking and joking around that superior to the Montagues. This shows the reader that they are not in a good relationship as a bit later on in the story the fight between them was held. This is the style where the reader uses implicit meanings writings to make the reader infer and deduce which make if more interesting.
Further on, Romeo is shown speaking poetry and complaining how painful he feels. The poem he speaks in very descriptive and contains implicit phrases which again make the reader think about about the passage as well as to infer and deduce
In the beginning of the story Shakespeare started without explaining the relationships between the two families but instead started in with dialouges, having the Capulets talking and joking around that superior to the Montagues. This shows the reader that they are not in a good relationship as a bit later on in the story the fight between them was held. This is the style where the reader uses implicit meanings writings to make the reader infer and deduce which make if more interesting.
Further on, Romeo is shown speaking poetry and complaining how painful he feels. The poem he speaks in very descriptive and contains implicit phrases which again make the reader think about about the passage as well as to infer and deduce
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Snake Head

Similar to all Alex Rider books, Snake Head incorporates a typical plot: to stop an evil man from going through with his catastrophic plans.
After falling from space (a continuation of the previous book, Ark Angel), Alex Rider finds himself with the organization ASIS; the Australian Secret Intelligence Service. Knowing exactly of Alex Rider's past string of achievements, ASIS plans to deploy him to stop, once again, a world threatening plan.
Alex Rider is against an old enemy: the organization Scorpia. Running low on business, Scorpia, too, is set a job. This job is to assassinate famous icons that are gathering at a conference.
Having only read the beginning of the book, I'm looking forward to finishing Snake Head. Even though the plot has been repeated in several other books, Snake Head utilizes the mystery of Alex's past as a sub-plot. The idea adds a lot more depth and twists into the story.
Romeo and Juliet
"Romeo and Juliet" is a romantic tale revolving around the dispute between to opposing families: the Capulet and the Montague. One fateful night, Juliet Capulet and Romeo Montague finds one another at a party; they inevitably fall for each other.
Against the wills of their families, they establish their betrothal in secret. However, to their dismay, Juliet's father takes action as he forces her to marry a different man. Though only faithful to Romeo, Juliet drinks a sleeping potion (to fake her death) at the wedding, hoping Romeo would come back for her.
Tragically, the plan was misguided. As when Romeo, who is oblivious to the scheme, witnesses Juliet 'dead' he kills himself. Unfortunately, when Juliet awakens, she finds Romeo has died, so in turn, Juliet takes her own life.
Under the grief of both their deaths, the Capulet and Montague realizes their fault, and thus, become friends.
I think the book will be boring and complicated; the story is already well-known while the dialogue is written in Middle English, making the speech unnecessarily difficult to understand.
Friday, 5 November 2010
Romeo and Juliet- First Impressions
This book is basically a love stiry between Romeo Montanauge, and Juliet Capulet. The problem is that the two families hate each other, and the prince has decreed death to any caught fighting. They meet in secret in a party at the Capulet house, and immediately fall in love, and the next day they marry in secret. However, Romeo is banished for avenging the death of one of his freinds, and Juliet is forced to marry a man she hates. Juliet agrees to a risky plan - taking a sleeping potion to appear dead, then being smuggled out of the city to meet Romeo, but Romeo thinks she is dead and then kills himself. When Juliet awakens to see Romeo dead, she kills herself. The 2 families make up in the children's deaths.
It is an ok book, however the use of the actual script is annoying and hard to understand, even with translations. The activity suggestions are just annoying. I think this book might be hard, and a long book. It is better than Kite Rider though.
Romeo & Juliet
This is a sad story about star crossed lovers who's family hates each other. Romeo and Juliet secretly get married. Unfortunately Juliet's father tells her she has to marry another man.
On her wedding day, she drinks a sleeping potion to make her look dead and she hopes that Romeo comes back to get her.
But when Romeo comes, he thinks she is dead so he drinks poison to kill himself, and when Juliet gets up from her sleep to find Romeo dead, she stabs herself with a knife and dies.
Due to their childrens death the two families becomes friends.
I love books about twisted, alternate realities like The Book Of Lost Things or Darkside. It makes me feel at home. :)
Anyway, this book was written by Neil Gaiman, and it's about a person called Richard Mayhew, whose life turns upside down the day he found an injured girl on the side of the street. And from then on, well...let's just say a whole tsunami of utterly strange and bewildering events crash down upon him, which just proves his point made earlier in the book, which was "events seem to be too cowardly to come alone, they always come in packs, you know, the safety in numbers kind of thing" Or at least along the lines of that.
From then on, he enters a realm called 'London Below' he meets Old Bailey, Anaesthesia (I always have trouble spelling that) , Mr Croup and- whoops, I'm ruining it for you. You'd better go read this one, especially if you like twisted, alternate dimensions like me.
Anyway, this book was written by Neil Gaiman, and it's about a person called Richard Mayhew, whose life turns upside down the day he found an injured girl on the side of the street. And from then on, well...let's just say a whole tsunami of utterly strange and bewildering events crash down upon him, which just proves his point made earlier in the book, which was "events seem to be too cowardly to come alone, they always come in packs, you know, the safety in numbers kind of thing" Or at least along the lines of that.
From then on, he enters a realm called 'London Below' he meets Old Bailey, Anaesthesia (I always have trouble spelling that) , Mr Croup and- whoops, I'm ruining it for you. You'd better go read this one, especially if you like twisted, alternate dimensions like me.
The Rules of Survival
This book was very different from the books I usually read. It's about Matthew, Callie and Emma and their struggles with their psychotic mother, Nikki.
This book is sort of like a journal as well, and it's written like a letter. (The way it's written is like an eyewitness account. You see the story through Matthew's eyes, and he's writing it for Emma since she was a baby when these events happened.)
It goes through Everything from start to finish, from the meeting with Murdoch to Nikki coming home from her jail sentence.
Overall, I have not read a book of this...kind.
This book is sort of like a journal as well, and it's written like a letter. (The way it's written is like an eyewitness account. You see the story through Matthew's eyes, and he's writing it for Emma since she was a baby when these events happened.)
It goes through Everything from start to finish, from the meeting with Murdoch to Nikki coming home from her jail sentence.
Overall, I have not read a book of this...kind.
Romeo and Juliet
I had borrowed a condensed version of Romeo and Juliet from the library, so I'm pretty much over the Middle Age English hurdle.
The reason why the Montagues and the Capulets are enemies are never really revealed in the condensed version, so I'm curious to find out why they are at war for so long. I'm also looking forward to studying this book since I might already have a head start since I know the general plot of the story and the characters, (Muahaha!) but I'm also looking out for the parts that were not included in the condensed version...that, I would like to know.
The reason why the Montagues and the Capulets are enemies are never really revealed in the condensed version, so I'm curious to find out why they are at war for so long. I'm also looking forward to studying this book since I might already have a head start since I know the general plot of the story and the characters, (Muahaha!) but I'm also looking out for the parts that were not included in the condensed version...that, I would like to know.
The Lost Hero
Romeo And Juliet
Romeo and Juliet is a pretty good book, but it is quite hard to understand what the characters are saying because:
Firstly, it is in Middle English and the words mean different things,
and Secondly, the book is a play, so there is no narator explaining what the characters feel or think unless they say it out loud.
Firstly, it is in Middle English and the words mean different things,
and Secondly, the book is a play, so there is no narator explaining what the characters feel or think unless they say it out loud.
Trading Faces by Julia DeVillers

This book is about two twins girl who have different life. One is smart called Emma and one is popular called Playton and they are very close. The first day of 7th grade they have been assigned different schedules-for the first time ever. One day, they decided to swap lives for one day. Then they start to like each other life and swapped lives for a week. Soon they were found out and was in a big messy. Emma like this guy, but he think his like Playton ( actual Emma swapping lives with Playton). This book is is easy but very interesting.
Romeo and Juliet
My first impressions of Romeo and Julliet were that the story was that the monagues and the capulet takes their fight very seriously, they pull out swords and bucklers. Middle English is very different from modern english so the book was hard to understand they also having things at that time
that was different to us like when they bite their thumb it mean that they are saying something bad. Overall, i am looking forward to learning this book in class.
Tell Me No Lies by Malorie Blackman
Mike is a new boy at school. He's come to live with his grandparents because of a horrible accident that put his mum in PRISON and his dad DEAD. He's trying to start a new life but Gemma is sure she's seen him somewhere. She knows his secret. The secret he was trying to hide. And now, she's out to get him.
I think that this book is REALLY GOOD. I havent completeely finished it but so far it is really good. the same author writes alot of other books such as Pig-Heart Boy and Double Cross. You should read this book or any other books by Malorie Blackman.
My first impressions of Romeo and Julliet
My first impressions of Romeo and Julliet were that the monagues are quite aggressive and like to start fights. Also that Romeo persevers alot. When he loved rosaline he said that if he couldnt have her, then he wouldnt have anybody else. Overall i thought that Romeo and Julliet is quite confusing. i like it and i dont like because of differnt reasons.
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Encyclopedia Horrifica

The fact that was very interesting to me was about the haunted house on the hudson. People who lived in this house say that the house is 'ACTIVE'. They said that even a six-foot-tall plumber refused to work past 4:00 p.m. on any given day because he kept hearing footsteps on the stairs. Also, a teenage girl said that there was a young woman in her room and she was sitting on the teenager's bed so that the girl could see he in the mirror on my dresser. This house if famous among lawyers than among ghost hunters. This house was officially declred haunted by the state of New York!
While I was reading this book, I was sooooooo scared. This book was NOT A FICTION BOOK, but it was a non-fiction book. I learned that the real dracula and the real vampires existed or exist in the world. I don't want to believe ghosts and monsters because I am a catholic, but after reading this book, I can't but believe them.
This Isn't What it Looks Like
This is a really good, funny, and adventureous book. It is the 4th book in a series though, so you may want to look at the first, The Name of this book is secret.
After eating the time travel chocolate, Cass is stuck in the 1600's, trying to find the Homunulcus (Mr. Cabbage Face), the Jester, and the Secret. But in the present, her body is stuck in a coma, and the only ones who know the truth are her friends Max-Ernest and Yo-Yoji. It is a race against time to find the secret, and to get Cass back.
This is a really good book ad series, and I highly recomend it. 8.5/10
After eating the time travel chocolate, Cass is stuck in the 1600's, trying to find the Homunulcus (Mr. Cabbage Face), the Jester, and the Secret. But in the present, her body is stuck in a coma, and the only ones who know the truth are her friends Max-Ernest and Yo-Yoji. It is a race against time to find the secret, and to get Cass back.
This is a really good book ad series, and I highly recomend it. 8.5/10
Sunday, 31 October 2010
ZOMBIE Bums from Uranus

This book is about an army of killer mutant zombie bums that are heading to earth. Basically, the whole bum trilogy is based on a main character called Zack. Everybody has a real live behind that can move and detatch from its owner. Now onto the story, the only one that can save the earth from the rebellious zombie bums was Zack who is only armed with a squeezy bottle of tomato sauce. As I read through closer to the end, I found out that although in the beginning of this book, zack's bum was rather incoorporative to Zack and his members of his team (Eleanor, and the whole B-TEAM) but as the world came to a closer end, his bum finally starts working with the team. At the end of this book, you will find out that ************* was the one responsible for this whole conflict. I really enjoyed this book because it had silly moments and really imaginative moments.
Friday, 29 October 2010
The final book in the Star Wars legacy of the force saga
Mara Jade Skywalker is dead, and along with Admiral Pellaeon's death, have caused heavy blows to the rebel cause. Luke searches through the force for an answer, and has a terrible vision of the galaxy once again enslaved by Darth Caedus, in a tyranny greater than Emperor Palpatine's (Darth Sidious) regime! The objective is clear: Eliminate Darth Caedus. However, only one has any chance to bring down the Sith lord that was once Jacen Solo; his sister, Jaina Solo...
This book was seriously enthralling and really kept me on edge. the beginning was a bit slow, but overall it was a great finish to an epic saga.
Mara Jade Skywalker is dead, and along with Admiral Pellaeon's death, have caused heavy blows to the rebel cause. Luke searches through the force for an answer, and has a terrible vision of the galaxy once again enslaved by Darth Caedus, in a tyranny greater than Emperor Palpatine's (Darth Sidious) regime! The objective is clear: Eliminate Darth Caedus. However, only one has any chance to bring down the Sith lord that was once Jacen Solo; his sister, Jaina Solo...
This book was seriously enthralling and really kept me on edge. the beginning was a bit slow, but overall it was a great finish to an epic saga.
Percy Jackson & the last olympian
I found this book very interesting because, I can clearly get a picture of what is happening. Another reason why I like this book is because, the book tells me a little information about Greek Gods, and how Percy and his friend can stop Kronos from taking over Mount Olympus.
The Kite Rider
This book is about Haoyou and how he matures and grow in confidencethrough the whole novel. First, he flies the kite for his mum because if he dosen't send di chou set sail or his mum will be marrying this horrible guy. But he knows how dangerous this is because his dad died because his dad died because of flying the kite, but he did have the confidence to do it and the shocking thing was, he made it, he send di chou set sail, but he knows that if di chou finds out he will come back and kill him but he still did it.
Second time he fly the kite was with the circus because he got taken away from his uncle, Bo which almost made him die but because he is maturing every chapter he is brave enough to do it over and over again.
I think this book is excellent because it gets more exciting each chapter and i really enjoyed it!!!!!
Second time he fly the kite was with the circus because he got taken away from his uncle, Bo which almost made him die but because he is maturing every chapter he is brave enough to do it over and over again.
I think this book is excellent because it gets more exciting each chapter and i really enjoyed it!!!!!
The Kite Rider
In the ancient times of China, when the brutal forces of the Mongol invaded, Haoyou is just a young, feeble child. Just witnessing the unfair death of his father, his flabbergasted mind set for revenge against the killer, Di Chou, who just so happens to be trying to gain a betrothal with Haoyou's mother.

But one way or another, he becomes lost inside the world of Miao Jie, the circus master. Strapped to a kite, he is determined to fly for the Jade Circus. Now, for the sake of his mother, for the sake of his sister; for the sake of his family, Haoyou goes on a journey with the Circus, along with his cousin Mi Peng, in order to perform infront of Kublai Khan, the emporer of the Mongols.
Living this twisted fate, how will Haoyou keep his oaths; endure the betrayals; suffer the consequences or even keep his valued respect against the harsh trials that lurk?
The kite rider
this book is quite nice. This is not that intresting at first but in the last 7 paragraph this is intresting. This books starts when Hao you the main character father die when he is riding this kite. In the funereal of his father he finds his cousin and defeat Di chou the villain and send him to the Namchi harbour. then he goes to the jade circus and be friends with miao jie the hier to the throne of china but he wants to kill the khan( who killed the miao father). Then mipeng gets married to miao jie.
This is mainly the story but it sounds better in the book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is mainly the story but it sounds better in the book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Ruins of Gorlan
This is a quite good book. It is about Will, an orphan boy, raised in the castle of Redmont. He is selected to be a ranger, a shadowy figure that is renowned throughout the kingdom. He is trained under his master, Halt, and after one year, he learns that the forces of the dark lord Mogarath are gathering, so he sets out to stop them. It is the first book in the rangers apprentice series, some of which are in the library
This book is an adventure book, and I quite like it. 9/10.
This book is an adventure book, and I quite like it. 9/10.
goodbye and thanks for all the fish
so you have all heard of the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy, right? well this is the 4th book in the series, in it arthur (who you will know if you read the hitch hikers guide o the galaxy, or saw the movie, if not he is the main charecter. if however you do know who he is it will make reading the contents of theese brackets completely without a point...) where was i , oh ya arthur in this book falls in love with a girl called fenchurch, (yes that is her actual name, in the book) and he alo returns to earth, which is where he mees fenchurch. probably should have said that first....... anywho so arthur comes back to earth, (he was in outerspace before.) and he then meets fenny who is a human and not an alien who can float, and arthur can also fly too. a fact that is almost completely irrelevent to this book except mabye 2 chapters. anyway so arthur has fallen in love abd discovered that all the dolphins are missing and have left him a fish bowl that is pretty and makes a nice clanging noise and talks. also arthur and fenchurch go to america (they are currently in england) and they meet this man who is insane but also at the same time completely sane. and the also go into space but that is a the end. with ford who this book is also halfish about. there is a few chapters about him.
in conclusion this book is quite funny yet so very confusing and complicated that no one who has read it ever will be able to completely understand it unless they have read the whole thing one and a half times, (you only need to get through about half the book the second time for the rest to make sense) and i fortunately have read it one and a half times. but you must under no circumstances read it two times or the entire thing will confuse you again.
in conclusion this book is quite funny yet so very confusing and complicated that no one who has read it ever will be able to completely understand it unless they have read the whole thing one and a half times, (you only need to get through about half the book the second time for the rest to make sense) and i fortunately have read it one and a half times. but you must under no circumstances read it two times or the entire thing will confuse you again.
Work, Rest and Play ACCORDING TO ALEX
Alex is a girl who has a temporary job as an artist. She is really excited about it because she meets a famous artist to help her paint. but her friends may not come back to school because they like their jobs so much. Alex is worried. Also because her best friend is working for her DAD.
P.S This book is kinda boring. But it is so bad that it is funny.
P.S This book is kinda boring. But it is so bad that it is funny.
THe Ktie Rider
In class we have read the kite rider. I think that the book was good at the end and i have learned alot of different things.
This book was about a boy called Haoyou. Haoyou's father died while riding the kite. His Uncle called bo is a greeding men and send him to go earn money by kite riding. this book was set in the 13th century in China. it is about a journey haoyou has taken.
the way of the sword the writer is Chris Bradford
I think this book is good because it is about samurai and ninja. It is also good because a foreigner becoming a Chinese Worrior.
In the begining, the main character - Jack was with his dad on a container ship then the Dragon Eye (Jack's enemy) came and tried to get the rutter but the Chinese heros saved him and adopted him because his dad died and he had no one to take care of him.
In the begining, the main character - Jack was with his dad on a container ship then the Dragon Eye (Jack's enemy) came and tried to get the rutter but the Chinese heros saved him and adopted him because his dad died and he had no one to take care of him.
The Kite Rider
This book is an okay book, the story is interesting, but a bit boring. I didn't like it that much because of the concept of the head of the family and that person always making all the descisions. The details are interesting to read as well, but I don't understand them all.
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth

This book is really interesting. After reading this book, i learn a lot about Greek myth. it is about a boy call Percy Jackson and he is half god and half human. He is mortal though and at that time Kronos has become back to destroy the Olympian but before that Kronos is planning to destroy Percy's school. Percy and his friends has to stop them before it is too late.
Monday, 27 September 2010
Breaking Dawn(Stephenie Meyer)

Bella and Edward finally marry. They went to honeymoon.
Then, Bella became a pregnant. So, they returned to their home.
The baby was half-vampire and half-human.
While Bella was giving birth to the baby, it was so painful,
because the baby was half-vampire.
So, Edward made Bella to vampire.
The baby was named 'Renesmee'.
Bella, Edward and Renesmee lived happily forever.
I love this book because it's fantasy, and it's thrilling. Sometimes
it makes me to imagine if I was a vampire, and someone is reading my mind.
I think it is the book that people should read once in their life.
Friday, 24 September 2010
The Kite Rider
The book is about a twelve year old protagonist, Haoyou. He lost his father due to the Chinese custom of wind testing to see wether the wind is suitable for sailing or not. His father was strapped to a kite and was killed when the kite rose up to the sky. His mother now have to marry the man who caused his father's death in order to stop the marriage from occurring and save his mother Haoyou must take action and push Di Chou far away from his family. Haoyou then began his journey of flying kites.
Missing, Believed Crazy
This is a funny book, about things. It's about 5 teenager named: Trix, Jade, Wiki, Holly, and Mark. They want to make a difference in the world, and give money to Africa, so they hatch a daring and crazy plan. They will kidnap Trix, and then hold her until money comes in and is sent to Africa. WHat can go wrong? Everything! This story is full of twists and turns, with unlikey allies and enemies, it is really good. 8.5/10
The Kite Rider by Geraldine McCaughrean
When Hao you's father dies and his family is forced to cope, matters are taken into Bo's hands and Qing an is forced to marry Di Chou, the man that sent Pei (Hao yous father) to his death. Hao you decides to be a kite flier for once and he does it perfectly without ham. But Hao you and Mi Peng do something to get rid of Di Chou. They succeed and everything is okay. But not for long. One day a nicely dressed stranger appearers and gives Hao you the chance to keep flying and Hao you takes it on. He is doing the very thing that killed his father. He is becoming a kite rider.
The Kite Rider
This book is about a boy named Haoyou who flies on a kite to try to talk to his father in the heavens. Later, he joins the circus with his cousin, mipeng and entertains the audience. Eventually they perform in front of the Kublai Khan because they get so famous but his really mean and fat uncle Bo comes and takes all his money. Then, Mipeng marries the circus manager and haoyou goes back home to his little sister and mother. I wouldn't recommend this book because it is kind of boring but the story-line is original.
Kite Rider
This is a good book, I liked it but some bits are dull and boring, and in some places you have to read it a few times to understand. (I don't have to say too much of the story because we read it) So basically, It is about Haoyou, whose father died on a kite by the first mate. However, he manages to send the first mate Di Chou away, with his cousin Mipeng, but he attracts the attention of a circus master, Miao Jie, who brings them in to his circuis, where Haoyou has to fly in the clouds, filled with spirits. This is a good story about betrayal, treachery, and obedience set in ancient China. 7.5/10
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
the kite rider Geraldine McCaughrean
Sunday, 19 September 2010
The Red Pyramid

The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan is a very interesting book about Egyptian mythology such as gods and hieroglyphics... It's an easy book so you'll finish it quickly and it's worth reading because the storyline is pretty original and very interesting with a lot of the qualities in writing on that list Mr. Brownrigg gave the class that was really hard to write on.I definitely recomend the book as well as the Percy Jackson series (they're all really easy but good books).
Angels and Demons
I finished this book a long time ago, just haven't had the time to blog about it. Anyways, this book is mediocre, because The Da Vinci Code was waaay better. I would consider this genre to be adventure and mystery, because there are many things you find out once you read on. I wouldn't recomend this book because its not that good.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Tell Me No Lies - Malorie Blackman
This book title is very attractive and exciting to me. It sounded like a tragedy book which is my favourite genre so I decided to read it.
This book is about a boy called Mike and the girl Gemma. Both of them is living a miserable and humiliating life. They are both unsocial and lonely. Mike who lost him mother and is now living with his grand parents and has a secret that he is desperate to hide. Gemma, who feel as if she is invisible because nobody notices and cares about her.
This book is about a boy called Mike and the girl Gemma. Both of them is living a miserable and humiliating life. They are both unsocial and lonely. Mike who lost him mother and is now living with his grand parents and has a secret that he is desperate to hide. Gemma, who feel as if she is invisible because nobody notices and cares about her.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles:1891 By. Thomas Hardy
I chose this book because it seemed that it was very serious book, and I wanted to read some books that can give me some morals-this book seemed that it will give me some morals.
Tess was a young lady who lived with her poor family. One day, their family knew that their family was related to nobility which was very rich and powerful family to the government. Tess' parents were very greedy about money, so they sent Tess to the nobility. The man fell in love in one sight, so he he had Tess at his beck. Tess was so angry, so she left the nobility.
When she arrived at her home, her family wasn't really pleased about seeing her again. So she left her home again. She met gentle and kind man in a farm. They married. One day, Tess told him a story about her secret that she had a man who made love with her. So, the man became mean to Tess. Finally, they got divorced.
Tess was so angry about the man who made love with her forcibly, so she killed him. Finally, the police arrested her and she had been executed.
It was very serious story about a young lady's life. I didn't found any morals like what I thought before, but it was very good story to read.
Tess was a young lady who lived with her poor family. One day, their family knew that their family was related to nobility which was very rich and powerful family to the government. Tess' parents were very greedy about money, so they sent Tess to the nobility. The man fell in love in one sight, so he he had Tess at his beck. Tess was so angry, so she left the nobility.
When she arrived at her home, her family wasn't really pleased about seeing her again. So she left her home again. She met gentle and kind man in a farm. They married. One day, Tess told him a story about her secret that she had a man who made love with her. So, the man became mean to Tess. Finally, they got divorced.
Tess was so angry about the man who made love with her forcibly, so she killed him. Finally, the police arrested her and she had been executed.
It was very serious story about a young lady's life. I didn't found any morals like what I thought before, but it was very good story to read.
The Tale of Despereaux
This book takes you on an adventures journey to discover about a little mouse's life named Despereaux, who picks up courage, bravery and much more throughout the book . The book has 286 pages, and is wonderful. I encourage any age from 8 to 15 to read it. The story is very imaganitive written and has been awarded for the "most distinguished contribution to american literature".
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Diary of a Wimpy Kid : The Last Straw

By Jeff Kinney.
I chose the book because it was the exact opposite of everything I've read; the book was short and simple. Definitely an easy read but its humour made it a book worthwhile. It wasn't the very best in terms of English, however, the sheer simplicity and originality of how the book itself was a 'diary' was entertaining.
The Last Straw reflects of how life for a 'wimpy kid' would've been like. Moreover, the book itself was incredibly creative; humorous text and illustration; a hero so self-centered and egotistic (unlike most books) and overall, a fun read.
vampire mountain ather Darren shan
i injoy this book because the write hooked me in and when ever i reed this book i can see the image in my heed expesaly when he fell in the sreem in the cave and it is about vampires.
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
I chose this book because it seemed...different. The plain black cover with the word 'Crank' hastily etched onto it had a different feel than the other bright and happy colours on the other books around it.
The story goes that Kristina, a high school junior who discovers a monster-Crank. Before, she was a quiet but gifted high school student, but the Monster leads her on a desperate struggle for her mind, soul and life.
"Alone, there is no perfect daughter, no gifted high school junior, no Kristina Georgia Snow.
There is only Bree."
Bree is sort of like her 'split personality' that she encounters when she goes on a vacation, but what happens next, you must read...
The story goes that Kristina, a high school junior who discovers a monster-Crank. Before, she was a quiet but gifted high school student, but the Monster leads her on a desperate struggle for her mind, soul and life.
"Alone, there is no perfect daughter, no gifted high school junior, no Kristina Georgia Snow.
There is only Bree."
Bree is sort of like her 'split personality' that she encounters when she goes on a vacation, but what happens next, you must read...
The secret diary of Adrian Mole, aged 13 and 3/4
Seriously guys, why only one sentence?? that really isn't good enough...
Adrian Mole is 13 and 3/4 years old. He is an 'intellectual' and shares his problems to the reader in his diary. He deals with various problems, such as his parents divorce, (and eventual re-marriage) The principle, Mr Scruton, (also nicknamed 'Popeye Scruton') his love, Pandora and various other issues. The diary takes him through his 14th birthday as well...
I shall reveal no more, but I suggest you read this, because it's seriously interesting.
Adrian Mole is 13 and 3/4 years old. He is an 'intellectual' and shares his problems to the reader in his diary. He deals with various problems, such as his parents divorce, (and eventual re-marriage) The principle, Mr Scruton, (also nicknamed 'Popeye Scruton') his love, Pandora and various other issues. The diary takes him through his 14th birthday as well...
I shall reveal no more, but I suggest you read this, because it's seriously interesting.
Friday, 27 August 2010
Painful Poison by Nick Arnold
I chose this book because i think this book will be interesting and i would also want to learn about poison.
Mystical Magic
I picked this book because i thought it would be intresting and funny. And it was, the magic was good and very interesting. I am glad i got this book. But i think i am going to finish this in a day or maybe even an hour.
The Knowledge-Dreadful Drama
I chose this book simply because i think this kind of books is really funny. This book make me learn too because this books tell you about jokes and it also helps you to learn.
Horrible Science ugly bugs
This book is a very interesting book to read because you get to know about all the sick sides of science and bugs , and because there are lots of pictures so you can imagine what the little sicks bugs would look like.when i was reading this book it gave me a feeling of keep on reading and you dont want to put the book down.After all the book was pretty short (only 127 pages) but it is very interesting.
Dead Famous: Elizabeth I and her Conquests
I have chosen the book Elizabeth I and her Conquests to read, because i like the serries of Horrible Histories and that i could learn more about the topic we are learning in history class today. In the first chapter, it is really interesting and easy to understand.
Angels and Demons
Angels and Demons is shadowed by The Da Vinci Code, the prequel, so it's not that good of a book. It's about an interesting fictional storyline that is based on this satanic coven/group.
i choose the book unique because the blurb look really intresting, it made me want to read it.
Percy Jackson and the last olympian
i will be reading percy jackson and the last olyian because in the past four books of percy jackson i found it very interesting.
For Better or for Worse by Kathryn Lamb
I will be reading the book 'For better or for worse according to Alex'.
I decided to read this book because i have read one of the other books in the series and I loved it.
In this book, Alex's big sister is getting married and she really does not want to be a brideasmaid for many different reasons.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
One book every two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!
I am looking forward to reading your book reviews here. Mr Brownrigg and I expect you to read at least one book every two weeks. If you read more, EVEN BETTER. Start reading today!!!!!!!!!!
Ms Goodwin
Ms Goodwin
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